The crankshaft is a very essential component of the engine which performs a conversion of the reciprocating motion of the pistons into rotational motion.
Contrary to appearances this is a very complex mechanism comprised of connecting rods and pins controlled by a special sensor.
For this reason, the component that fails most frequently is the sensor that is responsible for the correct operation of the crankshaft. The symptoms of such failure include irregular engine running, hot engine stalling or immobilisation of the whole vehicle. Taking into consideration the structure of the crankshaft and the specificity of the sensor, a repair or replacement of this element is pointless. A considerably cheaper solution would be to have the whole crankshaft replaced. This way you can significantly reduce the costs of the necessary repairs and also reduce the time needed to make the car functional again.
Here you will find used crankshafts inspected by qualified mechanics. Each subassembly has been thoroughly checked in order to ensure faultless operation for many years. A used crankshaft is a profitable investment in the event of a sensor failure. A replacement of the whole subassembly is much cheaper than the laborious repair of the sensor which is not always possible. Bearing in mind the longevity of these parts, it is not difficult to find a used part in perfect technical condition.
The cranks on a crankshaft are purposefully arranged at appropriate angles relative to each other so that they do not move in uniform manner and thereby offer more effective operation. The displacement angle depends on the number of cylinders. This component is awe-inspiring. It is exposed to enormous stress and yet it only fails very seldom. For a vast majority of cars there never occurs any failure of the crankshaft; usually, some other engine components get worn out after years of operation. The proper operation of the crankshaft is ensured by appropriate lubrication. Along the whole length of the crankshaft there are special grooves into which oil is pumped to enable smooth operation. Lack of oil leads to a defect of the crankshaft and a serious damage to the whole drive unit.For this reason, the component that fails most frequently is the sensor that is responsible for the correct operation of the crankshaft. The symptoms of such failure include irregular engine running, hot engine stalling or immobilisation of the whole vehicle. Taking into consideration the structure of the crankshaft and the specificity of the sensor, a repair or replacement of this element is pointless. A considerably cheaper solution would be to have the whole crankshaft replaced. This way you can significantly reduce the costs of the necessary repairs and also reduce the time needed to make the car functional again.
Here you will find used crankshafts inspected by qualified mechanics. Each subassembly has been thoroughly checked in order to ensure faultless operation for many years. A used crankshaft is a profitable investment in the event of a sensor failure. A replacement of the whole subassembly is much cheaper than the laborious repair of the sensor which is not always possible. Bearing in mind the longevity of these parts, it is not difficult to find a used part in perfect technical condition.
2004-2006 1.6 Z16XEP 24405870, 614132 24405867, 614029
Price 125.00 EUR
(net 101.63 EUR)
(net 101.63 EUR)
24 427 726
24 405 870
Price 125.00 EUR
(net 101.63 EUR)
(net 101.63 EUR)